Modern auditing & assurance services
Leung, P., Coram, P., & Cooper, Prof. B. J. (2007). Modern auditing & assurance services (Third ed.). Milton, Qld: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.
ISBN 9780470810910 0470810912
This book is a big, long read. It's almost 700 pages and I seem to be able to read about 24-27 pages in a 70 minute period. There is a bright side to all this reading: for the student of auditing there are quizzes and case studies in each chapter and also at the end of each chapter - and I can skip those! On the days I am reading Modern auditing & assurance services (3e.) I am also indulging in a library book I happened across: Tony Russell's Country music originals : the legends and the lost; or my own copy of Louder than hell : the definitive oral history of metal.
The early chapter Ethics in Modern auditing & assurance services (3e.) contains one of the best descriptions and differentiations between ethics, morals, and philosphy, that I have read. The rest of the book is giving me a thorough understanding of the various standards of auditing, and how the role of auditors and auditing has developed over time.
A pity there isn't a similar need for thorough auditing in communications...
...I finished this book in late July and I do believe I learned a lot from it: including a strong respect for the people who have to carry out the thorough process of auditing. I hope to get the time to add a few more notes here as I used a lot of sticky notes to highlight text throughout the book; and the glossary at the end is a welcome addition.
This is not something I would normally read to complete my evening, like the music, guitar and amp books I like to turn to before turning in. But it has given me a lot of insight into the evolving process of Auditing and Assurance.
Other reading of related texts
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in APA 6th
Please Note: I do not strictly follow APA style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.
Leeson, D., Di Sisto, S., & Flanders, D. (2009). Internal controls and corporate governance (Third ed.). Frenchs Forest, N.S.W: Pearson Australia.
Modern auditing & assurance services (3e 2007)
Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed from RMIT University libraries during the period 2006-2016, or from Hobsons Bay City Council library.
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