Monday, 25 January 2021

Book: The Fender Bass (Blasquiz, 1990)

The Fender Bass

Blasquiz, K. (1990). The Fender Bass. Lausanne, Switzerland: Mediapresse
Blasquiz, K. (1990). The Fender Bass. Milwaukee, Wis: Hal Leonard.
ISBN 079350757X 9780793507573

This book was released to complement similar works by A. R Duchossoir:

Duchossoir, A. R. (1983). Les Cahiers Practiques De D.I.S.C FENDER STRATOCASTER. Chatillon, France: Mediapresse.
ISBN: 2903648069 9782903648060

Duchossoir, A. R. (1985). The Fender Stratocaster, 1954-1984 - New Revised and Enlarged Edition. Milwaukee, WI: H. Leonard Pub. Corp.
ISBN: 0881883883 9780881883886
(USA First Printing 1985)

Duchossoir, A. R. (1988). The Fender Stratocaster - The Success Story of a Legendary Guitar Born and Made in California. Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard Pub. Corp.
ISBN: 088188880X : 9780881888805

Duchossoir, A. R. (1994). The Fender Stratocaster: A Complete Guide to the History and Evolution of the World's Most Famous Guitar. Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation.
ISBN: 0793547350 9780793547357
In all the editions of the The Fender Stratocaster Blasquiz name is mentioned amongst the acknowledgements.

Duchossoir, A. R. (1991). The Fender
Telecaster: The detailed story of America's senior solid body electric guitar
. Milwaukee, WI: H. Leonard.
ISBN: 0793508606 9780793508600

Duchossoir, A. R. (1983). Guitar identification: How to date the guitars made by Fender, Gibson, Gretsch and Martin. Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard Publ. Co.

Of all the books in this "series" this is one of the shorter books. This may actually be a little surprising: because the text covers at least ten distinct families of basses from the early 1950's: Precision Bass (including Telecaster Bass); Jazz Bass; Bass VI; Bass V; Mustang Bass; Musicmaster Bass; Bullet Bass; Lead Bass; Coronado Bass; Katana Bass; and, Performer Bass. Despite providing only a brief description of each bass family and the variants within up to 1990, it does a good job of providing a thorough overview of each instrument and provides clear illustrations of most of the basses described.
It's a pity this text is not found in more librarys; but it is available online as a freely accessible document.
One final note: The Fender Bass book may be cited with the term "S.l.: Exclusively distributed by Hal Leonard". Thanks to the Collins Dictionary Online I have learned that "s.l." is a latin term: "sine loco". "Sine loco" means "without place (of publication)"; there is not much information within the book that relates to publication, so this may be correct. However, I have included as much information as I can from various sources: as well as my copy of the book. (The term "s.n." stands for "sine nomine": that means "without a name" and refers to the publisher's name not being known.)
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Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in APA 6th
Please Note: I do not strictly follow APA style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Blasquiz, K. (1990). The Fender Bass. Lausanne, Switzerland: Mediapresse


Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book. Some titles were borrowed from RMIT University libraries during the period 2006-2016, or from Hobsons Bay City Council library.

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Other reading of related texts
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in APA 6th
Please Note: I do not strictly follow APA style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Ref. .


Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

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