Thursday, 28 December 2023

Book: Hula Sister (Orman, 2015)

Hula Sister
< br >
Book: Book Template 2023-01 Updated Jan/Feb 2023 - Sept [Aug] 2022 - October 2021 Ampersand Code: & Slash: / : / : / Backslash: \ : \ : \
Hula Sister
Orman Nanette Kilohana Kaihāwanawana. 2015. Hula Sister : A Guide to the Native Dance of Hawaiʻi First ed. Honolulu Hawaiʻi: Island Heritage Publishing.
ISBN 9781617102578


Text Review (Other reading of related texts)

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Orman Nanette Kilohana Kaihāwanawana. 2015. Hula Sister : A Guide to the Native Dance of Hawaiʻi .


From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

About this website and privacy
European Union (EU) laws require me, as author of this blog, to give EU visitors information about cookies used on this blog. In many cases, these laws may also require me, as author, or Google, as blog host, to obtain consent.
As a courtesy, I note that Google (Blogger Publishers) have added the following notice on this blog to help meet these regulations:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."
My LinkedIn and
Fender PR244 93 Super Amp websites.
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My Named Anchor

See my webpage devoted to my Fender '93 Super Amp

Fender 93 Super Amp PR244 websites.

Uncle Doug's Fender Deluxe Reverb circuit comparisons.

1. '/' is not a backslash. It is a (forward) slash. Backslash ('\') in HTML is represented by \ and (forward) slash ('/') by / – Vivek. Sep 1, 2015 at 11:05.
Slash : / : / : /
Backslash : \ : \ : \

Wednesday, 29 November 2023

Book: Aboriginal Australians (Muecke and Shoemaker, 2004)

Aboriginal Australians : First Nations of an Ancient Continent

Muecke Stephen and Adam Shoemaker. 2004. Aboriginal Australians : First Nations of an Ancient Continent (English-language ed.) London: Thames & Hudson.
ISBN 9780500301142, 050030114X


Text Review (Other reading of related texts)

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Muecke Stephen and Adam Shoemaker. 2004. Aboriginal Australians : First Nations of an Ancient Continent (English-language ed.). London: Thames & Hudson. Title. .


From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

About this website and privacy
European Union (EU) laws require me, as author of this blog, to give EU visitors information about cookies used on this blog. In many cases, these laws may also require me, as author, or Google, as blog host, to obtain consent.
As a courtesy, I note that Google (Blogger Publishers) have added the following notice on this blog to help meet these regulations:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."
My LinkedIn and
Fender PR244 93 Super Amp websites.
Template Updated 202302 ...
Updated Jan/Feb 2023 - Sept [Aug] 2022 - October 2021 Ampersand Code: & Slash: / : / : / Backslash: \ : \ : \ Muecke Stephen and Adam Shoemaker. 2004. Aboriginal Australians : First Nations of an Ancient Continent English-language ed. London: Thames & Hudson.

Jump down to My Named Anchor





My Named Anchor

See my webpage devoted to my Fender '93 Super Amp

Fender 93 Super Amp PR244 websites.

Uncle Doug's Fender Deluxe Reverb circuit comparisons.

1. '/' is not a backslash. It is a (forward) slash. Backslash ('\') in HTML is represented by \ and (forward) slash ('/') by / – Vivek. Sep 1, 2015 at 11:05.
Slash : / : / : /
Backslash : \ : \ : \

Monday, 30 October 2023

Book: Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats (Eliot, 1939)

Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats.

Eliot T. S and Edward Gorey. (1939) 2001. Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. London: Faber.
ISBN 9780571207466, 0571207464

Considering the amount of reading I am doing for study at the moment this little book has been an oasis for a thirsty mind. Okay, I'm an ailurophile - although I must admit I've not seen the stage show that is supposed to be based on the book.

Text Review (Other reading of related texts)

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Eliot T. S and Edward Gorey. 2001. Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats. London: Faber.


From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

About this website and privacy
European Union (EU) laws require me, as author of this blog, to give EU visitors information about cookies used on this blog. In many cases, these laws may also require me, as author, or Google, as blog host, to obtain consent.
As a courtesy, I note that Google (Blogger Publishers) have added the following notice on this blog to help meet these regulations:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."
My LinkedIn and
Fender PR244 93 Super Amp websites.
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Jump down to My Named Anchor





My Named Anchor

See my webpage devoted to my Fender '93 Super Amp

Fender 93 Super Amp PR244 websites.

Uncle Doug's Fender Deluxe Reverb circuit comparisons.

1. '/' is not a backslash. It is a (forward) slash. Backslash ('\') in HTML is represented by \ and (forward) slash ('/') by / – Vivek. Sep 1, 2015 at 11:05.
Slash : / : / : /
Backslash : \ : \ : \

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Book: Understanding Children (Harrison, J. 2004)

Book: Understanding Children (Harrison, J. 2004) Harrison Jeannette. 2004. Understanding Children : Foundations for Quality (3rd ed). Melbourne Vic: ACER Press. ISBN: 9781417516353, 9780864316486, 1417516356, 0864316488 Book: Book Template 2023-01 Updated Jan/Feb 2023 - Sept [Aug] 2022 - October 2021 Ampersand Code: & Slash: / : / : / Backslash: \ : \ : \ Ali Muhammad and Richard Durham. 1976. The Greatest : My Own Story. St. Albans England: Mayflower.

Worldcat-Chicago author-date citation


Text Review (Other reading of related texts)

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Author-date Title. . .


From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

About this website and privacy
European Union (EU) laws require me, as author of this blog, to give EU visitors information about cookies used on this blog. In many cases, these laws may also require me, as author, or Google, as blog host, to obtain consent.
As a courtesy, I note that Google (Blogger Publishers) have added the following notice on this blog to help meet these regulations:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."
My LinkedIn and
Fender PR244 93 Super Amp websites.
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Jump down to My Named Anchor





My Named Anchor

See my webpage devoted to my Fender '93 Super Amp

Fender 93 Super Amp PR244 websites.

Uncle Doug's Fender Deluxe Reverb circuit comparisons.

1. '/' is not a backslash. It is a (forward) slash. Backslash ('\') in HTML is represented by \ and (forward) slash ('/') by / – Vivek. Sep 1, 2015 at 11:05.
Slash : / : / : /
Backslash : \ : \ : \

Wednesday, 30 August 2023

The Amp Book (Brosnac, 1983)

The Amp Book : An Introductory Guide to Tube Amplifiers

Brosnac Donald. 1983. The Amp Book : An Introductory Guide to Tube Amplifiers. Ojai Calif: D.B. Music.

ISBN 0942760018, 0933224052, 9780942760019, 9780933224056

Busy, busy, busy with study again so the ever-growing pile of books has been set aside while I work my way through an Early Childhood Education and Care course.
Judging by the sticker on the cover this was another title I purchased from Chris Voce, original owner of Musical Repair and Trading Company.
The author, Donald Brosnac, already had a number of guitar titles under his quill, begining with The steel string guitar : its construction, origin and design (1973). While The Amp Book was first published in 1983, I'd say I bought my copy around late 1987 through 1988; when I had returned from overseas and became gainfully employed at the ABC again.
So the book pre-dates the Internet by at least 10 years. It is the missing link between Jack Darr's Electric guitar amplifier handbook and the fan-boy picture books that followed that were aimed at the musician rather than the technician.
The companies and their amp models covered in the scant 64 pages would not have been as easy to research in the years leading up to publishing. Brosnac's best references would have been either to have worked or have impeccable sources in the music industry; or sending letters to companies hoping for an informative reply.
When the book was published the web was still many years away; and the iPhone 25 years in the future. Some of the text may be industry myth; the short section on amplifier classes is, unfortunately, downright misleading. However, a quick internet search should clear things up. Brosnac covers 22 USA and British companies; many have since been sold or acquired by other companies (e.g. Mesa Boogie is now owned by Gibson), or they have ceased to trade, or now trade in name only.
So much has changed. But some things remain the same, and that includes the classic valve (tube) guitar amps mentioned in this book. So many amps, so little time...

Text Review (Other reading of related texts)

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Brosnac Donald. 1983. The Amp Book : An Introductory Guide to Tube Amplifiers. Ojai Calif: D.B. Music..


From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

About this website and privacy
European Union (EU) laws require me, as author of this blog, to give EU visitors information about cookies used on this blog. In many cases, these laws may also require me, as author, or Google, as blog host, to obtain consent.
As a courtesy, I note that Google (Blogger Publishers) have added the following notice on this blog to help meet these regulations:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."
My LinkedIn and
Fender PR244 93 Super Amp websites.
Template Updated 202308
Ali Muhammad and Richard Durham. 1976. The Greatest : My Own Story. St. Albans England: Mayflower.
I bought a copy of this book but gave it to my friend and barber Muhammad of Mo's Barbers in Altona North.

Monday, 31 July 2023

Book: Dingo Makes Us Human (Rose, 1992/2009)

TO BE EDITED Book: Book Template 2023-01 Updated Jan/Feb 2023 - Sept [Aug] 2022 - October 2021 Ampersand Code: & Slash: / : / : / Backslash: \ : \ : \
Dingo Makes Us Human : Life and Land in an Australian Aboriginal Culture

Rose Deborah B. 2009. Dingo Makes Us Human : Life and Land in an Australian Aboriginal Culture. Cambridge England: Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 9780521794848
9780521392693, 9780521794848, 0521392691, 0521794846 Rose Deborah B. 2009. Dingo Makes Us Human : Life and Land in an Australian Aboriginal Culture . Cambridge England: Cambridge University Press.

Text Review (Other reading of related texts)

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Author-date Title. . .


From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

About this website and privacy
European Union (EU) laws require me, as author of this blog, to give EU visitors information about cookies used on this blog. In many cases, these laws may also require me, as author, or Google, as blog host, to obtain consent.
As a courtesy, I note that Google (Blogger Publishers) have added the following notice on this blog to help meet these regulations:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."
My LinkedIn and
Fender PR244 93 Super Amp websites.
Template Updated 202302 ...

Jump down to My Named Anchor





My Named Anchor

See my webpage devoted to my Fender '93 Super Amp

Fender 93 Super Amp PR244 websites.

Uncle Doug's Fender Deluxe Reverb circuit comparisons.

1. '/' is not a backslash. It is a (forward) slash. Backslash ('\') in HTML is represented by \ and (forward) slash ('/') by / – Vivek. Sep 1, 2015 at 11:05.
Slash : / : / : /
Backslash : \ : \ : \

Thursday, 29 June 2023

Book: Sound System Engineering (D & C Davis, 1975)

Sound System Engineering

Davis Don and Carolyn Davis. 1975. Sound System Engineering First ed. Indianapolis: H.W. Sams.
ISBN 9780672211560, 0672211564

I bought this book in the late 1970s, before I learned to drive; for a dozen of what it cost I could have bought a very cheap second-hand car! I was very interested in music and sound at that age and early digital sound was still some ten years away.
This book was a great reference on the best in contemporary analogue live sound art, science, and mechanics. I added the mechanics part because among the appendices at the rear of the book are invaluable photo-essays on maintenance and repair of sound equipment. This aspect is often overlooked in many books on event sound system's operation.
The book is a classic and is still very relavent in today's disposable electronics society. There is still much to learn in its pages and it was one of the best investments I made in my early library of sound.

Text Review (Other reading of related texts)
At the time I bought this book most knowledge about running large Public Address Systems at rock and roll events was either learned on the job, or through magazine articles. Many good works have followed since; but I believe this book set the prime standard for what has followed.

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Davis Don and Carolyn Davis. 1975 Sound System Engineering. Indianapolis: H.W. Sams.


From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

About this website and privacy
European Union (EU) laws require me, as author of this blog, to give EU visitors information about cookies used on this blog. In many cases, these laws may also require me, as author, or Google, as blog host, to obtain consent.
As a courtesy, I note that Google (Blogger Publishers) have added the following notice on this blog to help meet these regulations:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."

My LinkedIn and
Fender PR244 93 Super Amp websites.
Template Updated 202302 ...

Jump down to My Named Anchor





My Named Anchor

See my webpage devoted to my Fender '93 Super Amp

Fender 93 Super Amp PR244 websites.

Uncle Doug's Fender Deluxe Reverb circuit comparisons.

1. '/' is not a backslash. It is a (forward) slash. Backslash ('\') in HTML is represented by \ and (forward) slash ('/') by / – Vivek. Sep 1, 2015 at 11:05.
Slash : / : / : /
Backslash : \ : \ : \

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Book: Sound of the Beast (Christe, 2004).

Sound of the Beast : The Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal

Christe, Ian. 2004. Sound of the Beast : The Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal. 1st pbk. ed. New York: HarperCollins.
ISBN 9780380811274, 0380811278

A very enjoyable book: good editorial selection at HarperCollins. I may not be an avid collector of Heavy Metal music (Country, Blues and Boogie are more my style!) but I do enjoy reading books about other genres from the last 100 years or so.
Christe acknowledges Black Sabbath as the foundation of Heavy Metal (definitely not Steeley Dan!); the writes the rest of the book around Metallica. Given the pages devoted in the rest of the book to Metallica (an American band), I could nominate Christe as a Metallica fanboy. However, I acknowledge that Metallica were probably the band responsible for bringing Heavy Metal to the largest audience, based in the USA.
Most chapters contain text boxes for defining sub-genres and giving a discography of examples. There is a two-page timeline graphic at the beginning of the book; and the index has been well-researched. Given time, I could see myself re-reading this in a few years as a refresher.

Text Review (Other reading of related texts)

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Christe, Ian. 2004. Sound of the Beast : The Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal.. 1st pbk. ed. New York: HarperCollins.


From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

About this website and privacy
European Union (EU) laws require me, as author of this blog, to give EU visitors information about cookies used on this blog. In many cases, these laws may also require me, as author, or Google, as blog host, to obtain consent.
As a courtesy, I note that Google (Blogger Publishers) have added the following notice on this blog to help meet these regulations:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."
My LinkedIn and
Fender PR244 93 Super Amp websites.
Template Updated 202302 ...
Slash : / : / : /
Backslash : \ : \ : \

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Book: Outback Songman (Ted Egan, 2019)

Outback Songman: My Life.

Egan Ted. 2019. Outback Songman : My Life. Sydney N.S.W: Allen & Unwin.
ISBN 9781760529871, 1760529877

The first book I borrowed from the Maribyrnong Library when I joined in 2023... Ted Egan is a great story-teller through his books and music: so this book is no exception. I enjoyed reading it in the almost record time of a just few more days than a long weekend. There were quite a few pink sticky notes inserted, as I learned a lot from the master:
- For instance: Egan's definition of Yolngu seems at odds with the popularised version on Wikipedia. (p86) Yolgnu - not a tribe or clan, it's more like 'we belong here'...
- His bucket list wish of going to Ireland and performing Amhrán na bhFiann in a pub, in Gaelic. (p.119)
- His growing respect for Australian Folk Music festival performers, organisers and promoters, including: Roger Montgomery and Dr Jamie McKew (Geelong and Port Fairy, Victoria; p.305); and historians Peter Ellis and Shirley Andrews (p.307)
- Kelly Dixon is the author of one of my favourite Australian Songs: Leave him in the longyard. (p.231)
- His love of two songs with strong roots in New Zealand (p.160):
Pokarekare Ana - rendition
Po Atarau - details
- Egan's respect for Russel Ward's book The Australian Legend . (p.147)
- Egan's thoughts on the consumption of alcohol (p.295): Alcohol must promote conviviality - otherwise, give it a miss...
Thanks to my mate Ferg Pedley for bringing Ted Egan's singing and songs to my attention, some 45 years ago (c1975).

Text Review (Other reading of related texts)
Where do you start with comparible texts to such a polymath? Songwriting? Story-telling? Aboriginal history since invasion and colonisation? Politics? Land Rights? Northern Territory? Darwin? Working-class Australians following the Great Depression? Folk Songs and Folk Singers? Australian Music Festivals?

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Egan Ted. 2019. Outback Songman : My Life. Sydney N.S.W: Allen & Unwin..


From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library; or Maribyrnong Library ; or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

About this website and privacy
European Union (EU) laws require me, as author of this blog, to give EU visitors information about cookies used on this blog. In many cases, these laws may also require me, as author, or Google, as blog host, to obtain consent.
As a courtesy, I note that Google (Blogger Publishers) have added the following notice on this blog to help meet these regulations:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."
My LinkedIn and
Fender PR244 93 Super Amp websites.
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Jump down to My Named Anchor





My Named Anchor

See my webpage devoted to my Fender '93 Super Amp

Fender 93 Super Amp PR244 websites.


1. '/' is not a backslash. It is a (forward) slash. Backslash ('\') in HTML is represented by \ and (forward) slash ('/') by / – Vivek. Sep 1, 2015 at 11:05.
Slash : / : / : /
Backslash : \ : \ : \
For Ferg.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Book: AC/DC (Murray & Durieux, 2006).

AC/DC Maximum Rock and Roll

Engleheart Murray and Arnaud Durieux. 2006. AC/DC Maximum Rock and Roll. Pymble N.S.W: HarperCollins.
ISBN 9780732283834, 0732283833

This book was a good follow-up to the George Young bio Friday on my Mind that I wrote about last month. It is a great read. There are some facts. There is some trivia. There is some hearsay. And there is some bullshit so thick on some pages that I'm suprised that they weren't stuck together fast...
Having said that, I enjoyed it greatly and found it hard to put down, even when work-related activities took precedence. The timeline format was reasonably good; although toward the finish it jumped across years and wasn't always clear about what year was being referred to (take a hint from the photo that accompanied the start of each chapter).

Text Review (Other reading of related texts)

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Engleheart Murray and Arnaud Durieux. 2006. AC/DC Maximum Rock and Roll. Pymble N.S.W: HarperCollins.


From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

About this website and privacy
European Union (EU) laws require me, as author of this blog, to give EU visitors information about cookies used on this blog. In many cases, these laws may also require me, as author, or Google, as blog host, to obtain consent.
As a courtesy, I note that Google (Blogger Publishers) have added the following notice on this blog to help meet these regulations:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."
My LinkedIn and
Fender PR244 93 Super Amp websites.
Template Updated 202302 ...

Jump down to My Named Anchor





My Named Anchor

See my webpage devoted to my Fender '93 Super Amp

Fender 93 Super Amp PR244 websites.


1. '/' is not a backslash. It is a (forward) slash. Backslash ('\') in HTML is represented by \ and (forward) slash ('/') by / – Vivek. Sep 1, 2015 at 11:05.
Slash : / : / : /
Backslash : \ : \ : \

Engleheart Murray and Arnaud Durieux. 2006. AC/DC Maximum Rock and Roll. Pymble N.S.W: HarperCollins.
Updated Jan/Feb 2023 - Sept [Aug] 2022 - October 2021 Ampersand Code: & Slash: / : / : / Backslash: \ : \ : \ .

Monday, 6 February 2023

Book: Friday on My Mind (Apter, 2020)

Friday on My Mind : The Life of George Young

Apter Jeff. 2020. Friday on My Mind : The Life of George Young. Sydney: Allen & Unwin
ISBN 9780959667547

I really enjoyed reading this book: so much so, that I completed the 284 pages of text in just over a week. Johannes van den Berg and George Young morphed from the Easybeats into Vanda and Young: one of the greatest Australian songwriting teams and producers for the Alberts roster of artists.
There is a well researched discography toward the end of the book: it makes a lot more sense once the book is read. The discography is followed by a comprehensive Suggested Bibliography: made up, in many cases, of print articles from newspapers and magazines. The one thing the book lacks is an index, as this text is a great source for future researchers of Australian popular music; for instance the suggested subject list on Worldcat includes: AC/DC (Musical group); Australia; Biographies; Biography; Criticism, interpretation, etc; Friendship; Guitaristes Australie Biographies; Guitarists Australia Biography; Musicians; Musiciens rock Australie Biographies; Producteurs d'enregistrements sonores Australie Biographies; Rock music; Rock musicians; Rock musicians Australia Biography; Sound recording executives and producers; Sound recording executives and producers Australia Biography; Vanda, Harry; Young, George, 1946-2017; Young, George, 1946-2017 Friends and associates...

Text Review (Other reading of related texts)
Vanda and Young : The Official Songbook: an interesting selection of twenty songs performed by eight artists (see table of contents, below). It includes many illustrations of the performing artists, album covers, or contemporary sheet music; it is let down a little, however, by not adding any captions to the illustrations.
Vanda Harry and George Young. 2014. Vanda and Young : The Official Songbook. Sydney NSW Australia: Music Sales Pty.

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.
Apter Jeff. 2020. Friday on My Mind : The Life of George Young.. Sydney: Allen & Unwin

Vanda and Young : The Official Songbook
Table of Contents:
Black-Eyed Bruiser performed by Stevie Wright ...8
Can't Stop Myself From Loving You performed by William Shakespeare ...14
Down Among The Dead Men performed by Flash and the Pan ...19
Evie: Let Your Hair Hang Down performed by Stevie Wright ...23
Evie: Evie performed by Stevie Wright ...26
Evie: I'm Losing You performed by Stevie Wright ...28
Falling In Love Again performed by Ted Mulry ...33
Friday On My Mind performed by The Easybeats ...37
Good Times performed by The Easybeats ...42
Guitar Band performed by Stevie Wright ...46
Hey, St. Peter performed by Flash and the Pan ...49
I Hate The Music performed by John Paul Young ...54
Love Is In The Air performed by John Paul Young ...59
Midnight Man performed by Flash and the Pan ...64
The Music Goes Round My Head performed by The Easybeats ...66
Pasadena performed by John Paul Young ...70
Show No Mercy performed by Mark Williams ...74
Spend The Night performed by Cheetah ...78
Standing In The Rain performed by John Paul Young ...83
Yesterday's Hero performed by John Paul Young ...87

From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

About this website and privacy
European Union (EU) laws require me, as author of this blog, to give EU visitors information about cookies used on this blog. In many cases, these laws may also require me, as author, or Google, as blog host, to obtain consent.
As a courtesy, I note that Google (Blogger Publishers) have added the following notice on this blog to help meet these regulations:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."
My LinkedIn and
Fender PR244 93 Super Amp websites.
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Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Making Records (Ramone & Granata, 2007)

Making Records : The Scenes Behind the Music.

Ramone Phil and Charles L Granata. 2007. Making Records : The Scenes Behind the Music. 1st ed. New York: Hyperion.
ISBN 9780786868599, 0786868597

Phil Ramone

Text Review (Other reading of related texts)

Ramone Phil and Charles L Granata. 2007. Making Records : The Scenes Behind the Music. 1st ed. New York: Hyperion.


From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)

Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

About this website and privacy
European Union (EU) laws require me, as author of this blog, to give EU visitors information about cookies used on this blog. In many cases, these laws may also require me, as author, or Google, as blog host, to obtain consent.

As a courtesy, I note that Google (Blogger Publishers) have added the following notice on this blog to help meet these regulations:

"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."

Monday, 23 January 2023

Book: Secrets Silences and Sources (Couchman, (Ed.), 2005)

Secrets Silences and Sources : Five Chinese-Australian Family Histories.

Couchman, Sophie (Ed.). 2005. Secrets Silences and Sources : Five Chinese-Australian Family Histories. Bundoora VIC: Asian Studies Program La Trobe University.
ISBN 9781920948436, 1920948430

This title appeared at a thrift store at a throwaway price. There are five stories by five authors and each contributes interesting and thought provoking experiences that I'm glad I took the time to read. I'm unsure of what to do with this book as there are probably a number of libraries that should hold a copy; but I don't see them listed on Worldcat.
p03 Chinese-Australian history vs huaqiao history: Chinese in north Queensland Kevin Wong Hoy
p17 Unfolding the silence: James Lee Wah (1832 - 1909) Chinese goldfields miner and Anglican missionary Chris Lee
p31 The wives of Hin Yung and Ah Whay: A goldfields story in the making Robyn Ansell
p41 History, heritage and identity James Twycross
p47 Tong family networks revealed through the camera's lens Sophia Couchman

Text review (reading of related texts)
While I have been reading music related, producer notes and musician biographies recently, these books are not family histories written in the style of Secrets Silences and Sources.

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.
Couchman, Sophie (Ed.). 2005. Secrets Silences and Sources : Five Chinese-Australian Family Histories.. Bundoora VIC: Asian Studies Program La Trobe University.


Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

About this website and privacy
European Union (EU) laws require me, as author of this blog, to give EU visitors information about cookies used on this blog. In many cases, these laws may also require me, as author, or Google, as blog host, to obtain consent.

As a courtesy, I note that Google (Blogger Publishers) have added the following notice on this blog to help meet these regulations:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."
My LinkedIn and
Fender PR244 93 Super Amp websites.


Citation styles:
The style of referencing I have used in the blog to this date is APA. This is now APA 7th edition.
From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in APA 6th

Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in APA 7th

Monday, 16 January 2023

Book: High Voltage Rock 'n' Roll (Eliezer, 2007).

High Voltage Rock 'n' Roll

Eliezer Christie. 2007. High Voltage Rock 'n' Roll. London New York: Omnibus Press ; Exclusive distributor for Australia and New Zealand Macmillan Distribution Services.
ISBN 9781921029264, 1921029269

This is the book I should have read before Glenn Wheatley's Facing the Music (2010). Each chapter is divided into short sections, with the final section being a Q&A with the subject. It is a bit of a fanboy book: you won't find anyone who is highly critical of any of the subjects. But that is not always a problem in a compact format such as this book. Probably the chapter on Ian Meldrum was my favourite, as I learned how a two week stayover at singer Ronnie Burns parents' house turned into a nine-year lodging!

Ch1 Michael Gudinski Founder and chairman of the Australian-made Mushroom empire
Ch2 Denis Handlin CEO and chairman of Sony BMG Music Entertainment Australia
Ch3 John Woodruff Talent manager (The Angels), music publisher (Savage Garden) and co-founder of the Dirty Pool agency
Ch4 [Ian] Molly Meldrum TV presenter, Countdown icon and groundbreaking record producer
Ch5 Glenn Wheatley High-profile talent manager (Little River Band, John Farnham, Delta Goodrem) and businessman
Ch6 John Watson Talent manager (Silverchair, Missy Higgins, Wolfmother) and respected record label executive
Ch7 Shane Simpson Entertainment lawyer and founder of the Arts Law Centre of Australia

Text Review (Other reading of related texts)
The style of referencing I have used in the blog to this date is APA. This is now APA 7th edition.
From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Eliezer Christie. 2007. High Voltage Rock 'n' Roll. London New York: Omnibus Press ; Exclusive distributor for Australia and New Zealand Macmillan Distribution Services.


Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

About this website and privacy
European Union (EU) laws require me, as author of this blog, to give EU visitors information about cookies used on this blog. In many cases, these laws may also require me, as author, or Google, as blog host, to obtain consent.

As a courtesy, I note that Google (Blogger Publishers) have added the following notice on this blog to help meet these regulations:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."
My LinkedIn and
Fender PR244 93 Super Amp websites.
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in APA 6th
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in APA 7th

Book Template 2023-01

Book: Book Template 2023-01 Updated Jan/Feb 2023 - Sept [Aug] 2022 - October 2021 Ampersand Code: & Slash: / : / : / Backslash: \ : \ : \ Ali Muhammad and Richard Durham. 1976. The Greatest : My Own Story. St. Albans England: Mayflower.

Worldcat-Chicago author-date citation


Text Review (Other reading of related texts)

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Author-date Title. . .


From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

About this website and privacy
European Union (EU) laws require me, as author of this blog, to give EU visitors information about cookies used on this blog. In many cases, these laws may also require me, as author, or Google, as blog host, to obtain consent.
As a courtesy, I note that Google (Blogger Publishers) have added the following notice on this blog to help meet these regulations:
"This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse."
My LinkedIn and
Fender PR244 93 Super Amp websites.
Template Updated 202302 ...

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Uncle Doug's Fender Deluxe Reverb circuit comparisons.

1. '/' is not a backslash. It is a (forward) slash. Backslash ('\') in HTML is represented by \ and (forward) slash ('/') by / – Vivek. Sep 1, 2015 at 11:05.
Slash : / : / : /
Backslash : \ : \ : \