Wednesday, 30 August 2023

The Amp Book (Brosnac, 1983)

The Amp Book : An Introductory Guide to Tube Amplifiers

Brosnac Donald. 1983. The Amp Book : An Introductory Guide to Tube Amplifiers. Ojai Calif: D.B. Music.

ISBN 0942760018, 0933224052, 9780942760019, 9780933224056

Busy, busy, busy with study again so the ever-growing pile of books has been set aside while I work my way through an Early Childhood Education and Care course.
Judging by the sticker on the cover this was another title I purchased from Chris Voce, original owner of Musical Repair and Trading Company.
The author, Donald Brosnac, already had a number of guitar titles under his quill, begining with The steel string guitar : its construction, origin and design (1973). While The Amp Book was first published in 1983, I'd say I bought my copy around late 1987 through 1988; when I had returned from overseas and became gainfully employed at the ABC again.
So the book pre-dates the Internet by at least 10 years. It is the missing link between Jack Darr's Electric guitar amplifier handbook and the fan-boy picture books that followed that were aimed at the musician rather than the technician.
The companies and their amp models covered in the scant 64 pages would not have been as easy to research in the years leading up to publishing. Brosnac's best references would have been either to have worked or have impeccable sources in the music industry; or sending letters to companies hoping for an informative reply.
When the book was published the web was still many years away; and the iPhone 25 years in the future. Some of the text may be industry myth; the short section on amplifier classes is, unfortunately, downright misleading. However, a quick internet search should clear things up. Brosnac covers 22 USA and British companies; many have since been sold or acquired by other companies (e.g. Mesa Boogie is now owned by Gibson), or they have ceased to trade, or now trade in name only.
So much has changed. But some things remain the same, and that includes the classic valve (tube) guitar amps mentioned in this book. So many amps, so little time...

Text Review (Other reading of related texts)

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Brosnac Donald. 1983. The Amp Book : An Introductory Guide to Tube Amplifiers. Ojai Calif: D.B. Music..


From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

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Ali Muhammad and Richard Durham. 1976. The Greatest : My Own Story. St. Albans England: Mayflower.
I bought a copy of this book but gave it to my friend and barber Muhammad of Mo's Barbers in Altona North.