Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Book: Project Evaluation and Feasibility Analysis for Hospitality Operations (Baker 2000)

Project Evaluation and Feasibility Analysis for Hospitality Operations (1e 2000)
Baker, K. (2000). Project Evaluation and Feasibility Analysis for Hospitality Operations. Pearson Education, Frenchs Forest NSW.
ISBN 9781862504899

An Australian author who has a generous list of references at the end of each chapter. I am finding it a very useful and quick read; it also challenges the reader to think beyond the norm, e.g.: instead of just preparing a feasibility study, also prepare an un-feasibility study. Data obtained for many such studies is often locked in the moment; have you taken into account future trends, especially a little action research on the effects of the outcome/s of your project? (See Ch1, p14 The 'Unfeasibility Study'; Ch2, p25 The Dialectical Inquiry Method). Just because it is aimed at the Hospitality Industries doesn't mean that its concepts and methodologies aren't applicable to other situations.
My concerns? Many of the quotes and theory is taken from Kotler (1994) that I have also read and reviewed. Like the government, public service, public sector, tourism and media sources that are used as references I have my concerns about their accuracy and reliability. Having worked in these industries I know many of my colleagues fail to check the rigour of their sources; therefore these references, almost none of which have been peer-reviewd, should not be relied upon for fact. But they are a useful pointer to further research...
Otherwise, the book is highly recommended before reading a more comprehensive source; or as an adjunct to project management, governance and auditing text books.

Other reading of related texts
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in APA 6th
Please Note: I do not strictly follow APA style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.
Christopher, W. F. (1995). Handbook for productivity measurement and improvement. Portland, Or: Productivity Press. This huge book will be read before the end of the year!
Turner, J. R. (1999). The handbook of project-based management: Improving the processes for achieving strategic objectives (second edition). London: McGraw-Hill.

Ref. .

Project Evaluation and Feasibility Analysis for Hospitality Operations (1e 2000)

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book. Some titles were borrowed from RMIT University libraries during the period 2006-2016, or from Hobsons Bay City Council library.

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