Sunday 10 March 2019

Book: Principles of Marketing (Kotler 6e 1994)

Principles of Marketing

Kotler, P., & Armstrong, G. (1994). Principles of marketing. London: Prentice-Hall.

The go-to guy for Academic Textbooks on Marketing would have to be Philip Kotler. This is the book that got me started on planning to go back to study. I hadn't completed my undergraduate BSc but I put in three years' study with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that should have counted as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) towards a BA in Media Studies. While working for the Victorian Department of Premier & Cabinet I was approached by the head of a department at RMIT to do postgraduate studies in Online Communications. At that stage I didn't have the time for study: I was spending two weeks of every month on the road. But reading this copy of Kotler (Kotler & Armstrong 6e 1994) I began to get an interest in further studies that lead to me completing a Master of Arts in Communications once my series of contracts at the State Library of Victoria had ended. At the SLV my work was about providing social change and communication for Vicnet,, and GO Vic projects across the state of Victoria.

Other reading of related texts
Anything by Kotler: it all comes down to the RPIE model from the late 1980's onward (RPIE: Research Plan Implement Evaluate). I have one of Kotler's books from 1976 and the methodology is Analysis, Planning and Control; then there is PIC: Plan Implement Control; another link was to APIE: Analysis Plan Implement Evaluate and then there was a brief text from South African authors that promoted PIE: Plan Implement Evaluate.
Much of this form of project marketing methodology is based on Project Management or Hierarchy of Effects and may have begun with the work of early advertising and publicity expert Elias St Elmo Lewis: AIDA: Awareness Interest Desire Acquisition.
Jeffrey M. Hiatt used ADKAR (Awareness Desire Knowledge Ability Reinforcement) when he made the transistion of his training material publishing company to a Change Management business: ProSci.
Hiatt, J. M. (2006). ADKAR: A model for change in business, government and our community [Awareness desire knowledge ability reinforcement]. Loveland, Colo: Prosci Learning Center.
Peter Reed wrote a very good introductory text on marketing for Australian readers; I gave my copy to someone I used to see regularly in a small NSW country town who was thinking about taking a course that would include marketing:
Reed, P. W. (1992). Marketing planning and strategy. Sydney: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Stanton, W. J., Miller, K. E., & Layton, R. A. (1994). Fundamentals of marketing (Third Edition). Sydney, N.S.W: McGraw-Hill Book Co. . The book I read after Reed; the Worldcat entry says it is over 770 pages but I don't remember it being quite that big and it is another book I passed over to a worthy recipient.

A couple more Kotler books I read: Kotler, P., & Roberto, E. L. (1989). Social marketing: Strategies for changing public behavior. New York: Free Press.
Kotler, P. (1976). Marketing management: Analysis, Planning, and Control (Third Edition).. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall.
Kotler, P., Roberto, E. L., & Lee, N. (2002). Social marketing(Second Edition). London: SAGE
Principles of Marketing (Kotler 6e 1994)

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book. Some titles were borrowed from RMIT University libraries during the period 2006-2016, or from Hobsons Bay City Council library.
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