Tuesday 16 May 2023

Book: Sound of the Beast (Christe, 2004).

Sound of the Beast : The Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal

Christe, Ian. 2004. Sound of the Beast : The Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal. 1st pbk. ed. New York: HarperCollins.
ISBN 9780380811274, 0380811278

A very enjoyable book: good editorial selection at HarperCollins. I may not be an avid collector of Heavy Metal music (Country, Blues and Boogie are more my style!) but I do enjoy reading books about other genres from the last 100 years or so.
Christe acknowledges Black Sabbath as the foundation of Heavy Metal (definitely not Steeley Dan!); the writes the rest of the book around Metallica. Given the pages devoted in the rest of the book to Metallica (an American band), I could nominate Christe as a Metallica fanboy. However, I acknowledge that Metallica were probably the band responsible for bringing Heavy Metal to the largest audience, based in the USA.
Most chapters contain text boxes for defining sub-genres and giving a discography of examples. There is a two-page timeline graphic at the beginning of the book; and the index has been well-researched. Given time, I could see myself re-reading this in a few years as a refresher.

Text Review (Other reading of related texts)

Please Note: I do not strictly follow author-date style in these citations as I would like various technology and media to be able to access these pages.

Christe, Ian. 2004. Sound of the Beast : The Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal.. 1st pbk. ed. New York: HarperCollins.

Worldcat: www.worldcat.org

From 2023 I am using the author-date referencing style of Chicago author-date (17th edition).
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles in Chicago author-date (17th edition)
Reference List / In-Text Citation Styles: University of Newcastle, NSW

Unless otherwise noted all books listed were in my personal library at the time of the first blog posting about the book.
Some titles were borrowed or referenced from RMIT University libraries (City, Carlton, Brunswick Campuses) during the period 2006-2016; or from Hobsons Bay City Council library. or Bayside (Brighton) Council library, or Prahran Mechanics Institute (& ARHS) library.

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